Ariel Analytics is here to help you navigate the data wilderness and get the data insights you need.
Helping You Make Smarter Business Decisions with Better Data, Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Strategy.
What if you had better data insights?
Does analytics feel like a maze of confusing terms and tools? Do you have plenty of data but little actionable information? Maybe you’re even skeptical about the buzz around data science.
You’re not alone—many companies feel the same.
Even analytics experts face these challenges! With constantly evolving tools, overwhelming data, and outdated systems, it’s hard to keep up.
That’s where Ariel Analytics comes in—we guide you through the data wilderness.
We enable companies to better understand, manage and plan operations by improving their data strategy and data insights.
Ariel Analytics specializes in data analytics and strategy. We inform and support critical business decisions for a variety of operations functions and processes including finance (FP&A), client management, talent acquisition/ management, and product/service strategy. We work with you to identify and make better use of your data from multiple sources; improve your data visualization, reporting and business intelligence; build quantitative/predictive models of complex business processes; and establish metrics.
Our goal is better analytics that leads to greater transparency and more robust business decisions so you can reduce cost and increase revenue and margin.
Ariel Analytics specializes in data analytics and strategy for business operations. We are very familiar with the unique challenges in these areas.
We inform and support critical business decisions for a variety of operations functions and processes including finance (FP&A), client management, talent acquisition/management (people analytics), and product/service strategy.
We work with you to identify and make better use of data, improve your reporting and business intelligence, build quantitative/predictive models of complex business processes, and establish metrics.
Even better, we specialize in analytics upskilling so that your people can acquire these same skills.
We believe that companies have hidden talent and untapped potential and that with our guidance your employees can become the analytics unicorns you wish you could hire. They already have the business knowledge and the desire to learn new skills, let us take them the rest of the way.
Our goal is to use analytics to create greater transparency which leads to more robust business decisions so your company can reduce cost and increase revenue and margins.
Learn about Ariel Analytics, our mission, and our people.
Services include specialized data analytics expertise and personalized attention to guide our clients.
Submit a form, send an email, or give us a call!